Tuesday, September 18, 2012

He Already Knew...

For the Lord is our judge,
The Lord is our lawgiver,
The Lord is our king;
He will save us—
Your tackle hangs slack;
It cannot hold the base of its mast firmly,
Nor spread out the sail.
Then the prey of an abundant spoil will be divided;
The lame will take the plunder.
-Isaiah 33:22-23
As these words were penned, God was already standing with you in today.
Really think about that for a moment.
As God gave us His Word, He already knew exactly where you would be today - in this very moment. And He gave us these words to guide us, encourage us, and call us to truth - already knowing exactly where we'd be standing today.
And as He stands with you today, He is already standing with you tomorrow. What is true in our past and present days of suffering is that God is also currently present in our day of healing. Time is a worldly concept - God is not restricted to the laws of time. He is simultaneously in all places. God had a complete understanding and an absolutely sovereignty of and over your situation today, as His Word was being written for you.
While that concept may be next to impossible to comprehend this side of heaven, God will give us the faith to trust in Him and to trust in His truth. We can trust that He holds the answers when we do not. We can trust that He will guide us toward our next step in the journey of our lives, even when He chooses not to show us the entire path at once. We can trust that He has our best interest at heart, that His plan is the only plan that will bring us peace, and that He wants us to follow Him even more than we usually want to ourselves - because He knows the end of the story. He knows where the journey will ultimately lead. And He asks us to trust that He will not lead us down a wrong path.
God does not override free will. Even when He doesn't want it for us, He allows others to sin against us. But He also sees what we currently do not, and He is already standing with us on our day of healing. Trust that He wants to get you there; trust that He knows the way.
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope... when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you," says the Lord... "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." -Jeremiah 29:11-13; Psalm 32:8