Friday, January 4, 2013

Chasing Desires in God's Timing

There is a time for everything
and a season for every activity under the heavens
(Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Sometimes God plants dreams in our hearts. Desires that He has for us, which, when sought after in the appropriate time, allow us to follow a path He has laid out for us. But sometimes this can be trickier than it might seem.

First, we must be sensitive to the Spirit moving in our hearts. We must be able to discern whether the desires are truly from Him. So how do we know if they’re truly from Him? We must seek Him first and foremost, above all other things. We must spend time with Him. Enjoy Him. When our focus is on Him rather than ourselves, and our intention is to live our life for Him rather than for ourselves, He promises to shape our hearts’ desires.

Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37:4)

The next part, however, has proven even more challenging for me. Not only do we need to be sensitive to God’s Spirit shaping our desires, but we must also be aware of God’s ability to time things just perfectly. Sometimes God puts certain desires on our hearts to prepare us for a time in the future when He intends for us to act on those desires. To begin to move us toward a position where we will be better equipped to act on those desires.
The bible is full of testimonies that point to the perfect timing of God. Examples of promises made by God to people who were then asked to wait. Wait and trust. Trust that when the time was right, God would initiate the move.

God has blessed me with a heart full of desires. He’s given me big dreams, big ideas, big plans, big goals… and the personality to want to chase after every single one of them all at once. Even recklessly. And for a long time, I spent a lot of my energy doing just that. And let me tell you, I can be good at it. I’m determined, and I don’t give up easily.

But as I found myself dragging my kids to every ministry opportunity I could get myself signed up for, and then beginning to resent the fact that they made it difficult for me to be so involved, God began showing me something I hadn’t expected.

He really didn’t want me involved in everything.

But He did want my attention.

Because He had blessed me with one of the greatest ministries any person can be given – the ministry of shaping the hearts of my children. And then He reminded me of a sobering reality that, while this may well be one of the most important ministries of my lifetime, it may also be one of the shortest ministry seasons I ever have. My children’s childhood will be over before I know it. They will only be children for a season. Every other ministry opportunity will still be there when my children are grown. But their childhood will be gone.

God has placed many desires on my heart, but I cannot do His kingdom justice by chasing after them outside of His perfect timing. Those things He has placed on my heart for a time in the future, are the very things He is training me for and preparing me for in the present.

And what better training ground than the exhausting, messy, chaotic, disorganized, everyday life of a single mom?

1 comment:

  1. Josie, this is one of the most beautiful testimonies of God's work that I've ever read. We are kindreds on a very similar journey! Thank you for sharing it with me!
